7.13. cape-step2crv: Convert STEP file to Plot3D multiple curve fileΒΆ

Create a Plot3D discretized curve file from a STEP file using various maximum spacing command-line options.

$ cape-step2crv STP [OPTIONS]
$ cape-step2crv STP CRV [OPTIONS]
$ cape-step2crv -i STP [-o CRV] [OPTIONS]
  • STP: Name of input '.stp or .step file

  • CRV: Name of output Plot3D file

-h, --help

Display this help message and exit

-i STP

Use STP as input file

-o CRV

Use CRV as name of created output file

-n N

Use a minimum of N segments per curve (defaults to 3)

--ds DS

Use a maximum arc length of DS on each curve

--dth THETA

Make sure maximum turning angle is below THETA

--da PHI

Make sure maximum turning angle times length of adjoining segments is less than or equal to PHI


Link curves and sort by ascending x coordinate (default)

--link AXIS

Link curves and sort by AXIS, for example +x, -y, etc.


Do not link curves together or sort

--xtol XTOL

Truncate nodal coordinates within XTOL of x=0 plane to zero

--ytol YTOL

Truncate nodal coordinates within YTOL of y=0 plane to zero

--ztol ZTOL

Truncate nodal coordinates within ZTOL of z=0 plane to zero

  • 2016-05-10 @ddalle: Version 1.0

  • 2021-10-15 @ddalle: Version 2.0