
Reference Manual - DAIDALUS-v1.0.1 (Work in Progress)

Table of Contents


DAIDALUS (Detect and AvoID Alerting Logic for Unmanned Systems) is a reference implementation of the detect and avoid (DAA) functional requirements described in Appendix G of the Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) Phase I for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) developed by RTCA Special Committee 228 (SC-228). At the core of the RTCA SC-228 DAA concept, there is a mathematical definition of the well-clear concept. Two aircraft are considered to be well clear of each other if appropriate distance and time variables determined by the relative aircraft states remain outside a set of predefined threshold values. These distance and time variables are closely related to variables used in the Resolution Advisory (RA) logic of the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System Version II (TCAS II).

DAIDALUS includes algorithms for determining the current well-clear status between two aircraft and for predicting a well-clear violation within a lookahead time, assuming non-maneuvering trajectories. In the case of a predicted well-clear violation, DAIDALUS also includes an algorithm that computes the time interval of well-clear violation. DAIDALUS implements algorithms for computing maneuver guidance, assuming a simple kinematic trajectory model for the ownship. Manuever guidance is computed in the form of range of track, ground speed, vertical speed, and altitude values called bands. These bands represent areas in the airspace the ownship has to avoid in order to maintain well-clear with respect to traffic aircraft. In the case of a loss of well-clear, or when a well-clear violation is unavoidable, the maneuver guidance algorithms provide well-clear recovery bands. Recovery bands represents areas in the airspace that allow the ownship to to regain well-clear status in a timely manner according to its performance limits. Recovery bands are designed so that they also protect against a user-specified minimum horizontal and vertical separation. DAIDALUS also implements a pair-wise alerting logic that is based on a set set of increasingly conservative alert levels called preventive, corrective, and warning.

DAIDALUS is implemented in C++ and Java and the code is available under NASA’s Open Source Agreement. The implementations are modular and highly configurable. The DAIDALUS core algorithms have been formally specified and verified in the Prototype Verification System (PVS). The examples provided in this document are written in Java. Except for language idiosyncrasies, both Java and C++ interfaces are identical.

Software Library

DAIDALUS is available as a software library. After getting the source code from GitHub/WellClear, the library can be compiled using the Unix utility make with the provided Makefile in both the Java and C++ directories. In Java, the make command produces a jar file:

$ make lib
** Building library lib/DAIDALUS.jar
** Library lib/DAIDALUS.jar built

In C++, the make command will generate the static library lib/DAIDALUS.a.

The sample application DaidalusExample, which is available in Java and C++, illustrates the main functionalities provided by DAIDALUS including reading/writing configuration files, detection logic, alerting logic, maneuver guidance logic, and computation of loss of well-clear contours. This application can be compiled using the provided Makefile. In Java:

** Building example applications
/usr/bin/c++ -o DaidalusExample -Iinclude  -Wall -O  src/DaidalusExample.cpp lib/DAIDALUS.a
/usr/bin/c++ -o DaidalusAlerting -Iinclude  -Wall -O
src/DaidalusAlerting.cpp lib/DAIDALUS.a
** To run DaidalusExample type:
** To run DaidalusAlerting type, e.g.,
./DaidalusAlerting --nomb --out H1.csv ../Scenarios/H1.daa

To run the example application in a Unix environment, type

$ ./DaidalusExample

Several DAA metrics can be computed in batch mode for a given encounter using the sample program DaidalusAlerting, which is available in Java and C++, e.g.,

./DaidalusAlerting --conf ../Configurations/WC_SC_228_std.txt ../Scenarios/H1.daa
Generating CSV file H1.csv

The generated file H1.csv contains alerting information computed by DAIDALUS for the encounter H1.daa assuming Nominal B configuration.

Scripts are provided to produce graphs containing guidance and alerting information. For example,

./DrawMultiBands --conf ../Configurations/WC_SC_228_std.txt ../Scenarios/H1.daa
Writing file H1.draw, which can be processed with the Python script drawmultibands.py

produces a file H1.draw, which can be processed with the Python script drawmultibands.py to produce a PDF file displaying manuever guidance information for the given encounter, e.g.,

../Scripts/drawmultibands.py H1.draw
Writing H1.pdf

The script drawgraph.py (thanks to Rachael Shudde, NASA Intern 2017) can be used to produce graphs of the information produced by DaidalusAlerting, e.g.,

../Scripts/drawgraphs.py --conf ../Configurations/WC_SC_228_std.txt --hd H12.daa
Writing PDF file H12_horizontal_distance.pdf

../Scripts/drawgraphs.py --conf ../Configurations/WC_SC_228_std.txt --taumod H12.daa
Writing PDF file H12_taumod.pdf

../Scripts/drawgraphs.py --conf ../Configurations/WC_SC_228_std.txt --hmd H12.daa
Writing PDF file H12_hmd.pdf


Packages and Name Space

In Java, DAIDALUS consists of three packages in the hierarchy gov.nasa.larcfm: IO, Util, and ACCoRD. In C++, the DAIDALUS code uses the name space larcfm. This document will refer to classes in these packages and name space through unqualified names. The following table lists the Java packages for the main DAIDALUS classes and interfaces.

Class/Interface Package
AlertLevels ACCoRD
AlertThresholds ACCoRD
BandsRegion ACCoRD
CDCylinder ACCoRD
ConflictData ACCoRD
Daidalus ACCoRD
DaidalusFileWalker ACCoRD
Detection3D ACCoRD
Horizontal ACCoRD
KinematicBandsParameters ACCoRD
KinematicMultiBands ACCoRD
TrafficState ACCoRD
Vertical ACCoRD
Interval Util
Position Util
Units Util
Vect2 Util
Vect3 Util
Velocity Util


DAIDALUS core algorithms use as internal units meters, seconds, and radians. However, interface methods that set or get a value have a String argument, where the units are explicitly specified. The following table provides a list of symbols and the corresponding string representation supported by DAIDALUS.

Units String  
milliseconds "ms"  
seconds "s"  
minutes "min"  
hours "h" "hr"
meters "m"  
kilometers "km"  
nautical miles "nmi", "NM"  
feet "ft"  
knots "knot", "kn", "kts"  
meters per second "m/s"  
kilometers per hour "kph", "km/h"  
feet per minute "fpm", "ft/min"  
meters per second2 "m/s^2"  
9.80665 m/s2 "G"  
degrees "deg"  
radians "rad"  
degrees per second "deg/s"  
radians per second "rad/s"  

The class Units provides the following static methods for converting to and from internal units and from one unit into another one.

Earth Projection and Aircraft States

DAIDALUS core algorithms use a Euclidean a local East, North, Up (ENU) Cartesian coordinate system. However, aircraft sates can be provided in geodesic coordinates. In this case, DAIDALUS uses an orthogonal projection of the ownship and traffic geodesic coordinates onto a plane tangent to the projected ownship position on the surface of the earth. The vertical component is not transformed.

Aircraft positions are represented by the class Position. Positions can be specified in either geodesic coordinates or ENU Cartesian coordinates through the following static methods.

Aircraft velocities are represented by the class Velocity. Velocities are specified relative to the ground in either polar or ENU Cartesian coordinates using the following static methods.

Conventions, Misnomers, and Gotchas

The following conventions are used through the code.

DAIDALUS uses a simple wind model. When a wind vector is provided, DAIDALUS uniformly applies the wind vector to all aircraft states. An important consequence of setting a wind vector is that all computations and outputs become relative to the wind. In this case, methods whose names use the word Track and GroundSpeed become misnomers. These methods will indeed provide heading and airspeed information, respectively.

DAIDALUS provides methods to retrieve aircraft states as they are passed to its core logics. However, these states are not necessarily the same states provided as inputs. In particular, before any computation, aircraft states may be projected in time to synchronize them in time to the applicability time. Furthermore, if wind vector is provided, ground-based input velocities are transformed relative to the wind.

Methods in DAIDALUS fail silently and return invalid values when called with invalid parameters. The following tables list methods that check the validity of values in DAIDALUS classes.

Class/Type Validity Check (Java)
double d; Double.isFinite(d)
BandsRegion r; r.isValidBand()
Interval i; i.isEmpty()
Velocity v; !v.isInvalid()
Position p; !p.isInvalid()
TrafficState s; s.isValid()

In C++, the methods are the same except in the following cases.

Class/Type Validity Check (C++)
double d; ISFINITE(d)
BandsRegion r; BandsRegion::isValidBand(r)

Furthermore, negative integer values are returned as invalid values in methods that under normal conditions return a natural number.

The Class Daidalus

The DAIDALUS software library is ownship centric. Its main functional features are provided through the class Daidalus, which maintains and computes information from the point of view of the ownship. In a multi-threaded application, a Daidalus object should not be shared by different threads.

Except for the information kept in a Daidalus object, DAIDALUS functionalities are memoryless, i.e., they process information at a given moment in time and do not keep information computed in previous calls. A typical DAIDALUS application has the following steps:

  1. Create and configure a Daidalus object. A Daidalus object can be reconfigured at any time. However, in a typical application, a Daidalus object is configured at the beginning of the application and the configuration remains invariant through the execution of the program.
  2. Get state information for ownship and traffic aircraft from avionics systems. DAIDALUS does not provide any functionality to filter or pre-process state information. If needed, any pre-processing has to be implemented outside DAIDALUS.
  3. Set ownship and traffic states into Daidalus object.
  4. If available, set wind information into Daidalus object.
  5. Get detection, alerting, and guidance information from Daidalus object.
  6. Display information. DAIDALUS does not provide any functionality to display or post-process its outputs. If needed, any post-processing has to be implemented outside DAIDALUS.
  7. Repeat from 2.

Creating and Configuring a Daidalus Object

In Java, a Daidalus object is created through the invokation

Daidalus daa = new Daidalus();

The variable daa is initialized to default values, which corresponds to an unbuffered well-clear volume, i.e., DMOD=HMD=0.66 nmi, TAUMOD=35 s, ZTHR=450 ft, with kinematic bands computations. The default configuration can be changed either programmatically or via a configuration file. For instance,


changes the configuration of the daa object to a buffered well-clear volume, i.e., DMOD=HMD=1.0 nmi, TAUMOD=35 s, ZTHR=450 ft, and TCOA=20 s, with kinematic bands computation. The parameter nom represents a boolean value. When this value is false the configuration is called Nominal A and sets the maximum turn rate of the ownship to 1.5 deg/s. The configuration Nominal B is obtained by setting the parameter nom to true. This configuration is exactly as Nominal A, but sets the ownship maximum turn rate to 3.0 deg/s.

DAIDALUS supports a large set of configurable parameters that govern the behavior of the detection, alerting, and maneuver guidance logics. These parameters are described in the Section Parameters. The simplest way to configure a Daidalus object is through a configuration file. Examples of configuration files are provided in the directory Configurations, which are explained in the Section Pre-Defined Configurations. A configuration file only needs to provide values to the parameters that change. The method call


loads a configuration file, whose name is indicated by filename, into the parameters field of the Daidalus object daa. The current configurations of a Daidalus object daa can be written into a file using the method call


The methods loadFromFile and saveToFile of the class KinematicBandsParameters return a boolean value. The value false indicates that an input/output error has occurred, e.g.,a file cannot be read because it does not exist or a file cannot be written because of insufficient permissions.

Adding Ownship and Traffic States

A Daidalus object daa maintains a list of aircraft states at a given time of applicability. The ownship state can be added into a Daidalus object daa through the method invokation


where ido is a string that indicates the ownship identifier (string), so is a Position object that indicates ownship position, vo is a Velocity object that indicates ownship velocity, and to is a time stamp in seconds of the ownship state, i.e., the time of applicability. Setting the ownship state into a daa object, resets the list of aircraft. Thus, for a given time of applicability, the ownship state has to be added before any other aircraft state.

Traffic states can be added into daa using the method invokation


where idi, si, and vi are the traffic identifier, position, and velocity, respectively. Traffic states do not require a time stamp since it is assumed to be the same the ownship’s. If a time stamp is provided, e.g., ` daa.addTrafficState(idi,si,vi,ti), the position of the traffic aircraft is linearly projected (forwards or backwards) from ti to to`, the time stamp of the ownship, so that all traffic states are synchronized in time with the ownship.

Aircraft identifiers are assumed to be unique within a daa object. Furthermore, the order in which traffic aircraft are added is relevant. Indeed, several Daidalus methods use the index of an aircraft in the list of aircraft as a reference to the aircraft. The index 0 is reserved for the ownship. The method addTrafficState returns the index of an aircraft after it has been added to the list of aircraft. The following methods are provided by the class Daidalus.

Providing Wind Information

If available, a wind vector can be provided to a Daidalus object daa using the method call


where wind is a Velocity object, whose vertical component is assumed to be 0. The wind velocity is specified in the direction the wind blows. The specified wind vector is uniformity applied to all traffic states before any computation. Therefore, after this method call, all computations become relative to the wind.

Conflict Detection Logic

The time to loss of well-clear, in seconds, between the ownship and the traffic aircraft at index idx for the corrective alert level and lookahead time configured in the Daidalus object daa can be computed as follows.

double t2v = daa.timeToViolation(idx);

If t2v is zero, the aircraft are in violation at current time. The method timeToViolation returns positive infinity when the aircraft are not in conflict within the lookahead time. It returns Not-A-Number when idx is not a valid aircraft index.

To compute time to loss of well-clear with respect to any alert level, see Section Advanced Features.

Alerting Logic

Given a Daidalus object daa of type Daidalus, the alert level between the ownship and the traffic aircraft at index idx can be computed as follows

int alert_level = daa.alerting(idx);

The value of alert_level is negative when idx is not a valid aircraft index in daa. If alert_level is zero, no alert is issued for the ownship and the traffic aircraft at index idx at time of applicability. Otherwise, alert_level is a positive numerical value that indicates the alert level, which by default are configured as follows.

alert_level RTCA SC-228 Alert Level
1 Preventive
2 Corrective
3 Warning

The Daidalus object daa can be configured to an arbitrary number of alert levels and each alert level is highly configurable (see Section Advanced Features). The only restriction is that alert levels are ordered by increased level of severity.

Maneuver Guidance Logic

In DAIDALUS, maneuver guidance is provided by the class KinematicMultiBands. The following code creates an object bands of type KinematicMultiBands for the aircraft in the Daidalus object daa.

KinematicMultiBands bands = daa.getMultiKinematicBands();  

The previous code is written in Java. The corresponding code in C++ is as follows.

KinematicMultiBands bands;

For efficiency reasons, bands are computed in a lazy way, i.e., the methods getKinematicMutliBands (in Java) and kinematicMultiBands (in C++) do not actually compute the bands. Section The Class KinematicMultiBands, bands are computed when the object bands is used.

The Class KinematicMultiBands

DAIDALUS provides maneuver guidance in the form of ranges of ownship maneuvers called bands. Four dimensions of bands are computed by DAIDALUS:

  1. Horizontal maneuver ranges. These maneuvers indicate true track ranges, except when wind information is provided. If that is the case, these maneuvers indicate true heading ranges.
  2. Horizontal speed ranges. These maneuvers indicate ground speed ranges, except when wind information is provided. If that is the case, these maneuvers indicate air speed ranges.
  3. Vertical speed ranges.
  4. Altitude ranges.

In each dimension, bands are represented by an ordered list of intervals that are disjoint except at the boundaries. These intervals completely partition a range of values from a configurable minimum value to a configurable maximum value. Each interval is associated with a BandsRegion, which is defined as an enumerated type consisting of the following values.

Ownship performance limits and other parameters that govern the maneuver guidance logic can be configured in either the Daidalus object from which the bands object is constructed or in the bands object directly. The methods to set and get these configuration parameters are described in Section Parameters.

Track (or Heading) Bands

The computation of track bands (heading bands, when wind information is provided) requires either a turn rate or a bank angle. If both the turn rate and the bank angle are zero, track/heading bands are computed assuming instantaneous track/heading manevuers. The following loop iterates the list of intervals in the track/heading bands and for each interval gets its upper and lower bounds and its type.

  for (int i = 0; i < bands.trackLength(); i++ ) {  
    Interval iv = bands.track(i,"deg"); //i-th band region
    double lower_trk = iv.low; //[deg]
    double upper_trk = iv.up;  //[deg]
    BandsRegion regionType = bands.trackRegion(i);

Ground Speed (or Air Speed) Bands

The computation of ground speed bands (air speed bands, when wind information is provided) requires a horizontal acceleration. If this acceleration is zero, ground speed/ air speed bands are computed assuming instantaneous ground speed/air speed manevuers. The following loop iterates the list of intervals in the ground speed/air speed bands and for each interval gets its upper and lower bounds and its type.

  for (int i = 0; i < bands.groundSpeedLength(); i++ ) {  
    Interval iv = bands.groundSpeed(i,"knot"); //i-th band region
    double lower_gs = iv.low; //[knot]
    double upper_gs = iv.up;  //[knot]
    BandsRegion regionType = bands.groundSpeedRegion(i);

Vertical Speed Bands

The computation of vertical speed bands requires a vertical acceleration. If this acceleration is zero, vertical speed bands are computed assuming instantaneous vertical speed manevuers. The following loop iterates the list of intervals in the vertical speed bands and for each interval gets its upper and lower bounds and its type.

  for (int i = 0; i < bands.verticalSpeedLength(); i++ ) {  
    Interval iv = bands.verticalSpeed(i,"fpm"); //i-th band region
    double lower_vs = iv.low; //[fpm]
    double upper_vs = iv.up;  //[fpm]
    BandsRegion regionType = bands.verticalSpeedRegion(i);

Altitude Bands

The computation of altitude bands requires a vertical acceleration and a vertical rate. If both the vertical acceleration and the vertical rate are zero, altitude bands are computed assuming instantaneous altitude manevuers. The following loop iterates the list of intervals in the altitude bands and for each interval gets its upper and lower bounds and its type.

  for (int i = 0; i < bands.altitudeLength(); i++ ) {  
    Interval iv = bands.altitude(i,"ft"); //i-th band region
    double lower_alt = iv.low; //[ft]
    double upper_alt = iv.up;  //[ft]
    BandsRegion regionType = bands.altitudeRegion(i);

Aircraft Contributing to Bands

Bands that are in the current path of the ownship are called conflict bands. Conflict bands simultaneously appear for all type of maneuvers, e.g., horizontal direction, horizontal speed, vertical speed, and altitude. The list of aircraft contributing to conflict bands for a particular alert level can be obtained as follows:

List<TrafficState> acs = bands.conflictAircraft(alert_level);

The variable alert_level denotes a level between 1 and the most severe alert level that has been configured.

Bands that are not in the current path of the ownship are called peripheral bands. Peripheral bands are different for different type of maneuvers. The list of aircraft contributing to each type of bands for a particular alert level can be obtained as follows:

List<TrafficState> acs_trk = bands.peripheralTrackAircraft(alert_level);
List<TrafficState> acs_gs = bands.peripheralGroundSpeedAircraft(alert_level);
List<TrafficState> acs_vs = bands.peripheralVerticalSpeedAircraft(alert_level);
List<TrafficState> acs_alt = bands.peripheralAltitudeAircraft(alert_level);


Time to Recovery

Last Time to Maneuver

The Class KinematicBandsParameters

DAIDALUS objects can be configured through the class variable parameters of type KinematicBandsParameters. The configuration can be done either programmatically using getter/setter methods or via a configuration file using the method loadFromFile. These methods are defined in the class KinematicBandsParameters.

Basic Parameters

The following is a list of parameters that can be configured in DAIDALUS.

Configuration Parameter Getter/Setter Description (Type)  
lookahead_time get/setLookaheadTime Time horizon of all DAIDALUS functions (Time)  
left_trk get/setLeftTrack Relative maximum horizontal direction maneuver to the left of current ownship direction (Angle)  
right_trk get/setRightTrack Relative maximum horizontal direction maneuver to the right of current ownship direction (Angle)  
min_gs get/setMinVerticalSpeed Absolute minimum horizontal speed maneuver (Speed)  
max_gs get/setMaxGroundSpeed Absolute maximum horizontal speed maneuver (Speed)  
min_vs get/setMinVerticalSpeed Absolute minimum vertical speed maneuver (Speed)  
max_vs get/setMaxVerticalSpeed Absolute maximum vertical speed maneuver (Speed)  
min_alt get/setMinAltitude Absolute minimum altitude maneuver (Altitude)  
max_alt get/setMaxAltitude Absolute maximum altitude maneuver (Altitude)  
trk_step get/setTrackStep Granularity of horizontal direction maneuvers (Angle)  
gs_step get/setGroundSpeedStep Granularity of horizontal speed maneuvers (Speed)  
vs_step get/setVerticalSpeedStep Granularity of vertical speed maneuvers (Speed)  
alt_step get/setAltitudeStep Granularity of altitude maneuvers (Altitude)  
horizontal_accel get/setHorizontalAcceleration Horizontal acceleration used in the computation of horizontal speed maneuvers (Acceleration)  
vertical_accel get/setVerticalAcceleration Vertical acceleration used in the computation of horizontal speed maneuvers (Acceleration)  
turn_rate get/setTurnRate Turn rate used in the computation of horizontal direction manevuers (Angle/Time)  
bank_angle get/setBankAngle Bank angle used in the computation of horizontal direction manevuers (Angle)  
vertical_rate get/setVerticalRate Vertical rate used in the computation of altitude maneuvers (Speed)  
recovery_stability_time get/setRecoveryStabilityTime Time Time delay to stabilize recovery manevuers
min_horizontal_recovery get/setMinHorizontalRecovery Minimum horizontal separation used in the computation of recovery maneuvers (Distance)  
min_vertical_recovery get/setMinVerticalRecovery Minimum vertical separation used in the computation of recovery maneuvers (Distance)  
recovery_trk isEnabled/setRecoveryTrackBands Enable computation of horizontal direction recovery maneuvers (Boolean)  
recovery_gs isEnabled/setRecoveryGroundSpeedBands Enable computation of horizontal speed recovery maneuvers (Boolean)  
recovery_vs isEnabled/setRecoveryVerticalSpeedBands Enable computation of vertical speed recovery maneuvers (Boolean)  
recovery_alt isEnabled/setRecoveryAltitudeBands Enable computation of altitude recovery maneuvers (Boolean)  
ca_bands isEnabled/setCollisionAvoidanceBands Enable computation of collision avoidance maneuvers (Boolean)  
ca_factor get/setCollisionAvoidanceBandsFactor Factor to reduce min horizontal/vertical recovery separation when computing collision avoidance maneuvers (Scalar in (0,1])  
horizontal_nmac get/setHorizontalNMAC Horizontal NMAC (Distance)  
vertical_nmac get/setVerticalNMAC Vertical NMAC (Distance)  
contour_thr get/setHorizontalContourThreshold Threshold  
relative to ownship horizontal direction for the computation of      
horizontal contours a.k.a. “blobs” (Angle)      

The following restrictions apply to these parameters.

When appropriate, explicit units can be provided when configuring these parameters either using a file or programmatically. For example, in a configuration file, units can be provided as follows:

max_gs = 700.0 [knot]

The following configuration can also be achieved using the method


If no units are provided, internal units are assumed, i.e., meters for distance, seconds for time, radians for angles, and so on.

Alert Thresholds

DAIDALUS also enables the configuration of alert level thresholds. The following parameters can be configured per alert level (The first level is 1) in a configuration file.


Pre-Defined Configurations

The directory Configurations includes the following configurations files that are related to RTCA SC-228 MOPS Phase I.

Advanced Features

Batch Simulation and Analysis Tools

DAIDALUS has some programming utilities for batch simulation and for computing detection, alerting, and maneuver guidance from pre-defined encounters.

These utilities work with two text files: a DAIDALUS configuration file name.conf such as WC_SC_228_nom_b.txt and an encounter file name.daa such as H1.daa. The encounter file may list multiple aircraft, the first one is considered to be the ownship. The aircraft states can be given geodesic coordinates, e.g., MultiAircraft.daa.

The configuration and encounter files can be generated from a Daidalus log file. A Daidalus log file is produced by writing into a text file the string daa.toString(), where daa is a Daidalus object. To generate the configuration and encounter file from a Daidalus log file, i.e., name.log, use the script daidalize, e.g.,

$ ./daidalize.pl name.log 
Processing name.log
Writing traffic file: name.daa
Writing configuration file: name.conf 

The script daidalize assumes that the time of the aircraft states strictly increases at every time step. If this this is not the case, the script fails. The option --fixtimes forces the script to fix the problem by artificially increasing the time of contiguous time steps so that the time column of the generated encounter strictly increases at every time step.

To produce alerting and state-based metrics, use the Java program DaidalusAlerting, e.g.,

$ ./DaidalusAlerting --conf name.conf name.daa
Loading configuration file name.conf
Processing DAIDALUS file name.daa
Generating CSV file name.csv

The script drawgraphs can be used to generate PDFs of the information produced by DaidalusAlerting, e.g.,

$ ./drawgraphs.py --conf name.conf --hd name.daa
Writing PDF file name_horizontal_distance.pdf

To produce maneuver guidance graphs, use the Java program DrawMultiBands, e.g.,

 $ ./DrawMultiBands  --conf name.conf name.daa
Writing file name.draw, which can be processed with the Python script drawmultibands.py

Then, to produce a PDF file use the script drawmultibands, e.g.,

$ ./drawmultibands.py name.draw 
Reading name.draw
Writing name.pdf

Finally, DAIDALUS encounter can be simulated in the visualization tool UASChorus. UASChorus is part of a larger tool called TIGAR. The license of TIGAR is available from: https://shemesh.larc.nasa.gov/fm/ACCoRD/TIGAR-NOSA.pdf.

In Windows/MAC OS systems, just download the file and double-click it. It assumes a Java Run Time environment, which is default in most systems. In a Linux box, go to a terminal and type

$ java jar UASChorus.jar

In UASChorus

  1. Go to File/Open in the main menu and open any encounter file, e.g., name.daa.
  2. By default, UASChorus is configured with a non-buffered well-clear volume (instantaneous bands). To load a different configuration, go to File/Load Configuration and load a configuration file, e.g., name.conf.
  3. To step through the scenario, go to Window/Sequence Control Panel and click either the execute button (to reproduce the scenario) or linear to generate a 1s linear projection on the current state.


Cesar A. Munoz (cesar.a.munoz@nasa.gov)