Source code for plot3d.face

from typing import Dict, List, Tuple
import numpy as np
import math

[docs] class Face: """Defines a Face of a block for example IMIN,JMIN,JMIN to IMAX,JMIN,JMIN """ def __init__(self,nvertex:int=4): """ Defines a face using nvertex 4 = quad 3 = triangles Args: nvertex (int, optional): Number of vertices. Defaults to 4. id (int, optional): A unique index indentifying a face """ self.x = np.zeros(4) self.y = np.zeros(4) self.z = np.zeros(4) self.I = np.zeros(4,dtype=np.int64) self.J = np.zeros(4,dtype=np.int64) self.K = np.zeros(4,dtype=np.int64) = 0 # centroid = 0 = 0 self.nvertex=0 self.blockIndex = 0 # not really needed except in periodicity = 0
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Returns a dictionary representaon of a face """ return {'IMIN':min(self.I), 'JMIN':min(self.J), 'KMIN':min(self.K), 'IMAX':max(self.I), 'JMAX':max(self.J), 'KMAX':max(self.K), 'id', 'block_index':self.blockIndex}
@property def centroid(self): return np.array([,,],dtype=np.float64) @property def IMIN(self): return self.I.min() @property def JMIN(self): return self.J.min() @property def KMIN(self): return self.K.min() @property def IMAX(self): return self.I.max() @property def JMAX(self): return self.J.max() @property def KMAX(self): return self.K.max() @property def BlockIndex(self): return self.blockIndex @property def const_type(self): if (self.IMIN == self.IMAX): return 0 elif (self.JMIN == self.JMAX): return 1 elif (self.KMIN == self.KMAX): return 2 return -1 @property def isEdge(self): """check if the face is actually an edge. This is an edge if two indicies IMIN == IMAX or JMIN=JMAX or KMIN=KMAX Returns: [bool]: True if face is really an edge """ return (int(self.IMIN == self.IMAX) + int(self.JMIN == self.JMAX) + int(self.KMIN == self.KMAX)) > 1 @property def isPoint(self): """check if the face is actually an edge. This is an edge if two indicies IMIN == IMAX or JMIN=JMAX or KMIN=KMAX Returns: [type]: True if face is really a point """ return (int(self.IMIN == self.IMAX) + int(self.JMIN == self.JMAX) + int(self.KMIN == self.KMAX)) > 2 @property def get_val(self,i_val:int,j_val:int,k_val:int): """Get the value where key (I,J,K) is equal to val Args: i_val (int): value of I j_val (int): value of J k_val (int): value of K Returns: [float]: x value [float]: y value [float]: z value """ indx_i = np.where(self.I == i_val).tolist() indx_j = np.where(self.J == j_val).tolist() indx_k = np.where(self.K == k_val).tolist() indx_i.extend(indx_j) indx_i.extend(indx_k) indx = list(set([indx_i]))[0] # Get the common one through a union return self.x[indx], self.y[indx], self.z[indx] def scale(self,gcd:int): self.I = int(self.I*gcd) self.J = int(self.J*gcd) self.K = int(self.K*gcd)
[docs] def add_vertex(self, x:float,y:float,z:float, i:int, j:int, k:int): """Add vertex to define a face Args: x (float): x-coordinate y (float): y-coordinate z (float): z-coordinate i (int): i-th index of the coordinates (x,y,z) j (int): j-th index of the coordinates (x,y,z) k (int): k-th index of the coordinates (x,y,z) """ self.x[self.nvertex] = x self.y[self.nvertex] = y self.z[self.nvertex] = z self.I[self.nvertex] = i self.J[self.nvertex] = j self.K[self.nvertex] = k self.nvertex+=1 if self.nvertex==4: = self.x.mean() = self.y.mean() = self.z.mean()
@property def size(self): if self.IMIN==self.IMAX: return (self.JMAX- self.JMIN)*(self.KMAX-self.KMIN) elif (self.JMIN==self.JMAX): return (self.IMAX-self.IMIN)*(self.KMAX-self.KMIN) elif (self.KMIN==self.KMAX): return (self.IMAX-self.IMIN)*(self.JMAX- self.JMIN) else: return (self.IMAX-self.IMIN)*(self.JMAX- self.JMIN)*(self.KMAX-self.KMIN) def set_block_index(self,val): self.blockIndex = val def set_face_id(self,val): = val
[docs] def normal(self,block): """Computes the normal vector of the face not really used but if anyone wants it. """ if self.const_type == 0: # CONST J, IMIN==IMAX p1 = np.array([block.X[self.IMIN,self.JMIN,self.KMIN], block.Y[self.IMIN,self.JMIN,self.KMIN], block.Z[self.IMIN,self.JMIN,self.KMIN]]) p2 = np.array([block.X[self.IMIN,self.JMAX,self.KMIN], block.Y[self.IMIN,self.JMAX,self.KMIN], block.Z[self.IMIN,self.JMAX,self.KMIN]]) p3 = np.array([block.X[self.IMIN,self.JMIN,self.KMAX], block.Y[self.IMIN,self.JMIN,self.KMAX], block.Z[self.IMIN,self.JMIN,self.KMAX]]) elif self.const_type == 1: # CONST J, JMIN==JMAX p1 = np.array([block.X[self.IMIN,self.JMIN,self.KMIN], block.Y[self.IMIN,self.JMIN,self.KMIN], block.Z[self.IMIN,self.JMIN,self.KMIN]]) p2 = np.array([block.X[self.IMIN,self.JMIN,self.KMAX], block.Y[self.IMIN,self.JMIN,self.KMAX], block.Z[self.IMIN,self.JMIN,self.KMAX]]) p3 = np.array([block.X[self.IMAX,self.JMIN,self.KMIN], block.Y[self.IMAX,self.JMIN,self.KMIN], block.Z[self.IMAX,self.JMIN,self.KMIN]]) else: # CONST K, KMIN==KMAX p1 = np.array([block.X[self.IMIN,self.JMIN,self.KMIN], block.Y[self.IMIN,self.JMIN,self.KMIN], block.Z[self.IMIN,self.JMIN,self.KMIN]]) p2 = np.array([block.X[self.IMAX,self.JMIN,self.KMIN], block.Y[self.IMAX,self.JMIN,self.KMIN], block.Z[self.IMAX,self.JMIN,self.KMIN]]) p3 = np.array([block.X[self.IMIN,self.JMAX,self.KMIN], block.Y[self.IMIN,self.JMAX,self.KMIN], block.Z[self.IMIN,self.JMAX,self.KMIN]]) u = p2-p1; v = p3-p1 return np.cross(u,v)
[docs] def match_indices(self,f): """Check to see if two faces are the same. Checks to see if any of vertices x,y,z match Normally this is used by Face1==Face2 Args: f (Face): another face Returns: List[(int,int)]: list of indicies where there's a match. """ matched_vertices = list() tol = 1E-6 matchedIndices = list() for i in range(self.nvertex): for j in range(f.nvertex): dx = abs(self.x[i] - f.x[j]) dy = abs(self.y[i] - f.y[j]) dz = abs(self.z[i] - f.z[j]) if (dx<tol and dy<tol and dz<tol and (j not in matched_vertices)): matchedIndices.append([i,j]) matched_vertices.append(j) # This vertex has been matched, remove from list break # each index can only have a single match return matchedIndices
[docs] def __eq__(self, f): """Check to see if two faces are the same by looking at the I,J,K Checks to see if any of vertices x,y,z match Args: f (Face): another face Returns: Boolean: True if faces match, False if no match is found """ # matchedIndices = self.match_indices(f) # (len(matchedIndices)==self.nvertex) and return ((self.BlockIndex == f.BlockIndex) and (self.IMIN == f.IMIN) and (self.IMAX == f.IMAX) and (self.JMIN == f.JMIN) and (self.JMAX == f.JMAX) and (self.KMIN == f.KMIN) and (self.KMAX == f.KMAX) )
[docs] def vertices_equals(self,f): """Checks to see if two faces are the same by looking at the vertices Args: f (Face): Another face Returns: bool: True = face vertices are equal """ matchedIndices = self.match_indices(f) return (len(matchedIndices)==self.nvertex)
[docs] def __ne__(self,f): """Checks if two faces are not equal Args: f (Face): another face Returns: Boolean: True if faces match, False if no match is found """ match = self.__eq__(f) return not match
[docs] def index_equals(self,f2): """Check to see of the face indices are equal Args: f2 ([type]): [description] """ if (self.IMIN == f2.IMIN and self.JMIN == f2.JMIN and self.KMIN == f2.KMIN and self.IMAX == f2.IMAX and self.JMAX == f2.JMAX and self.KMAX == f2.KMAX): return True
[docs] def __hash__(self): if (len(self.I)>0): return hash((self.I[0], self.J[0], self.K[0], self.I[-1], self.J[-1], self.K[-1])) else: return hash((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
[docs] def __str__(self): if (len(self.I)>0): return 'blk: {:d} [{:d},{:d},{:d},{:d},{:d},{:d}]'.format(self.blockIndex,self.IMIN, self.JMIN, self.KMIN, self.IMAX, self.JMAX, self.KMAX) else: return 'blk: {:d} [{:d},{:d},{:d},{:d},{:d},{:d}]'.format(self.blockIndex,0,0,0,0,0,0)
def __repr__(self): return str(self) @property def diagonal_length(self) -> float: """Returns the diagonal length of the face Returns: float: diagonal length computed using IMIN, IMAX, JMIN, JMAX, KMIN, KMAX """ minIndx = 0; maxIndx = 0 for indx in range(len(self.I)): if self.I[indx] == self.IMIN and self.J[indx] == self.JMIN and self.K[indx] == self.KMIN: minIndx = indx if self.I[indx] == self.IMAX and self.J[indx] == self.JMAX and self.K[indx] == self.KMAX: maxIndx = indx dx = self.x[minIndx] - self.x[maxIndx] dy = self.y[minIndx] - self.y[maxIndx] dz = self.z[minIndx] - self.z[maxIndx] return math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz)
[docs] def get_corners(self) -> Tuple: """Get the corners defined by (IMIN,JMIN,KMIN), (IMAX,JMAX,KMAX), Returns: Tuple: containing - **(x,y,z)** (float,float,float): at IMIN,JMIN,KMIN - **(x,y,z)** (float,float,float): at IMAX,JMAX,KMAX Reference: - GlennHT source code function computeLRT """ minIndx = 0; maxIndx = 0 for indx in range(len(self.I)): if self.I[indx] == self.IMIN and self.J[indx] == self.JMIN and self.K[indx] == self.KMIN: minIndx = indx if self.I[indx] == self.IMAX and self.J[indx] == self.JMAX and self.K[indx] == self.KMAX: maxIndx = indx return (self.x[minIndx],self.y[minIndx], self.z[minIndx]),(self.x[maxIndx],self.y[maxIndx], self.z[maxIndx])
[docs] def is_connected(self,f,tol:float=1E-8): """Determines if face is connected by looking at the face centroid Args: f (Face): another face object """ val = np.sqrt((**2 + (**2 + (**2) if val <tol: return True else: return False
[docs] def shift(self,dx:float,dy:float,dz:float): """Shifts the faces Args: dx (float): delta x dy (float): delta y dz (float): delta z """ self.x+=dx self.y+=dy