Source code for plot3d.connectivity

from .block import Block
from .blockfunctions import reduce_blocks
from .face import Face
from .facefunctions import create_face_from_diagonals, split_face, get_outer_faces
import math 
from itertools import product, combinations
from tqdm import trange
import numpy as np 
import pandas as pd
from typing import List
import math
from .point_match import point_match
from copy import deepcopy

[docs] def find_matching_blocks(block1:Block,block2:Block,block1_outer:List[Face], block2_outer:List[Face],tol:float=1E-6): """Takes two blocks and finds all matching pairs Args: block1 (Block): Any plot3d Block that is not the same as block2 block2 (Block): Any plot3d Block that is not the same as block1 block1_outer (List[Face]): outer faces for block 1. block2_outer (List[Face]): Outer faces for block 2 tol (float, Optional): tolerance to use. Defaults to 1E-6 Note: This function was changed to be given an input of outer faces for block 1 and block 2. Outer faces can change and we should use the updated value Returns: (tuple): containing - **df** (pandas.DataFrame): corners of matching pair as block1_corners,block2_corners ([imin,jmin,kmin],[imax,jmax,kmax]), ([imin,jmin,kmin],[imax,jmax,kmax]) - **block1_outer** (List[Face]): - **block2_outer** (List[Face]): """ # Check to see if outer face of block 1 matches any of the outer faces of block 2 block_match_indices = list() block1_split_faces = list() block2_split_faces = list() # Create a dataframe for block1 and block 2 inner matches, add to df later # df,split_faces1,split_faces2 = get_face_intersection(block1_outer[3],block2_outer[4],block1,block2,tol=1E-6) # Checks the nodes of the outer faces to see if any of them match match = True while match: match = False for p in range(len(block1_outer)): block1_face = block1_outer[p] for q in range(len(block2_outer)): block2_face = block2_outer[q] df, split_faces1, split_faces2 = get_face_intersection(block1_face,block2_face,block1,block2,tol) if len(df)>0: # the number of intersection points has to be more than 4 # if not block1_face in block1MatchingFace and not block2_face in block2MatchingFace: block_match_indices.append(df) block1_split_faces.extend(split_faces1) block2_split_faces.extend(split_faces2) match = True break if match: break if match: block1_outer.pop(p) block2_outer.pop(q) block1_outer.extend(block1_split_faces) block2_outer.extend(block2_split_faces) block1_split_faces.clear() block2_split_faces.clear() return block_match_indices, block1_outer, block2_outer # Remove duplicates using set and list
[docs] def select_multi_dimensional(T:np.ndarray,dim1:tuple,dim2:tuple, dim3:tuple): """Takes a block (T) and selects X,Y,Z from the block given a face's dimensions theres really no good way to do this in python Args: T (np.ndarray): arbitrary array so say a full matrix containing X dim1 (tuple): 20,50 this selects X in the i direction from i=20 to 50 dim2 (tuple): 40,60 this selects X in the j direction from j=40 to 60 dim3 (tuple): 10,20 this selects X in the k direction from k=10 to 20 Returns: np.ndarray: returns X or Y or Z given some range of I,J,K """ if dim1[0] == dim1[1]: return T[ dim1[0], dim2[0]:dim2[1]+1, dim3[0]:dim3[1]+1 ] if dim2[0] == dim2[1]: return T[ dim1[0]:dim1[1]+1, dim2[0], dim3[0]:dim3[1]+1 ] if dim3[0] == dim3[1]: return T[ dim1[0]:dim1[1]+1, dim2[0]:dim2[1]+1, dim3[0] ] return T[dim1[0]:dim1[1], dim2[0]:dim2[1], dim3[0]:dim3[1]]
[docs] def get_face_intersection(face1:Face,face2:Face,block1:Block,block2:Block,tol:float=1E-6): """Get the index of the intersection between two faces located on two different blocks Face1 needs to be the smaller face. Args: face1 (Face): An exterior face face2 (Face): An exterior face from a different block block1 (Block): block containing face1 block2 (Block): block containing face2 tol (float): matching tolerance Returns: (Tuple): containing - (pandas.DataFrame): dataframe with matches. Columns = I1, J1, K1, I2, J2, K2 - (List[Face]): any split faces from block 1 - (List[Face]): any split faces from block 2 """ match_location = list() df =pd.DataFrame(columns=['i1','j1','k1','i2','j2','k2']) split_faces1 = list() split_faces2 = list() I1 = [face1.IMIN,face1.IMAX] J1 = [face1.JMIN,face1.JMAX] K1 = [face1.KMIN,face1.KMAX] I2 = [face2.IMIN,face2.IMAX] J2 = [face2.JMIN,face2.JMAX] K2 = [face2.KMIN,face2.KMAX] # Grab the points of Face 1 and Face 2 X1 = select_multi_dimensional(block1.X, (I1[0],I1[1]),(J1[0],J1[1]),(K1[0],K1[1])) Y1 = select_multi_dimensional(block1.Y, (I1[0],I1[1]),(J1[0],J1[1]),(K1[0],K1[1])) Z1 = select_multi_dimensional(block1.Z, (I1[0],I1[1]),(J1[0],J1[1]),(K1[0],K1[1])) X2 = select_multi_dimensional(block2.X, (I2[0],I2[1]),(J2[0],J2[1]),(K2[0],K2[1])) Y2 = select_multi_dimensional(block2.Y, (I2[0],I2[1]),(J2[0],J2[1]),(K2[0],K2[1])) Z2 = select_multi_dimensional(block2.Z, (I2[0],I2[1]),(J2[0],J2[1]),(K2[0],K2[1])) # General Search if I1[0] == I1[1]: # I is constant in Face 1 combo = product(range(X1.shape[0]), range(X1.shape[1])) for c in combo: p, q = c x = X1[p,q] y = Y1[p,q] z = Z1[p,q] block2_match_location = point_match(x, y, z, X2, Y2, Z2,tol) if sum(block2_match_location)!=-2: p2 = int(block2_match_location[0]) q2 = int(block2_match_location[1]) # if __edge_match2(df1_edges,df2_edges, p, q, p2, q2): if I2[0]==I2[1]: match_location.append({"i1":I1[0],"j1":p+J1[0],"k1":q+K1[0],'i2':I2[0],'j2':p2+J2[0],'k2':q2+K2[0]}) if J2[0]==J2[1]: match_location.append({"i1":I1[0],"j1":p+J1[0],"k1":q+K1[0],'i2':p2+I2[0],'j2':J2[0],'k2':q2+K2[0]}) if K2[0]==K2[1]: match_location.append({"i1":I1[0],"j1":p+J1[0],"k1":q+K1[0],'i2':p2+I2[0],'j2':q2+J2[0],'k2':K2[0]}) df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame(match_location)], ignore_index=True) elif J1[0] == J1[1]: # J is constant in face 1 combo = product(range(0,X1.shape[0]), range(0,X1.shape[1])) for c in combo: p, q = c x = X1[p,q] y = Y1[p,q] z = Z1[p,q] block2_match_location = point_match(x, y, z, X2, Y2, Z2,tol) if sum(block2_match_location)!=-2: p2 = int(block2_match_location[0]) q2 = int(block2_match_location[1]) # if __edge_match2(df1_edges,df2_edges, p, q, p2, q2): if I2[0]==I2[1]: match_location.append({"i1":p+I1[0],"j1":J1[0],"k1":q+K1[0],'i2':I2[0],'j2':p2+J2[0],'k2':q2+K2[0]}) # Added an offset because some faces don't start at I=0 or J=0 or K=0 if J2[0]==J2[1]: match_location.append({"i1":p+I1[0],"j1":J1[0],"k1":q+K1[0],'i2':p2+I2[0],'j2':J2[0],'k2':q2+K2[0]}) if K2[0]==K2[1]: match_location.append({"i1":p+I1[0],"j1":J1[0],"k1":q+K1[0],'i2':p2+I2[0],'j2':q2+J2[0],'k2':K2[0]}) df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame(match_location)], ignore_index=True) elif K1[0] == K1[1]: # K is constant in face 1 combo = product(range(X1.shape[0]), range(X1.shape[1])) for c in combo: p, q = c x = X1[p,q] y = Y1[p,q] z = Z1[p,q] block2_match_location = point_match(x, y, z, X2, Y2, Z2,tol) # pm,qm are the p and q indicies where match occurs if sum(block2_match_location)!=-2: p2 = int(block2_match_location[0]) q2 = int(block2_match_location[1]) # if __edge_match2(df1_edges,df2_edges, p, q, p2, q2): if I2[0]==I2[1]: match_location.append({"i1":p+I1[0],"j1":q+J1[0],"k1":K1[0],'i2':I2[0],'j2':p2+J2[0],'k2':q2+K2[0]}) if J2[0]==J2[1]: match_location.append({"i1":p+I1[0],"j1":q+J1[0],"k1":K1[0],'i2':p2+I2[0],'j2':J2[0],'k2':q2+K2[0]}) if K2[0]==K2[1]: match_location.append({"i1":p+I1[0],"j1":q+J1[0],"k1":K1[0],'i2':p2+I2[0],'j2':q2+J2[0],'k2':K2[0]}) df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame(match_location)], ignore_index=True) # Checking for split faces if len(df)>=4: if (__check_edge(df)): df = pd.DataFrame() # If it's an edge else: # not edge # Filter match increasing - This keeps uniqueness if I1[0]==I1[1]: df = __filter_block_increasing(df,'j1') df = __filter_block_increasing(df,'k1') elif J1[0]==J1[1]: df = __filter_block_increasing(df,'i1') df = __filter_block_increasing(df,'k1') elif K1[0]==K1[1]: df = __filter_block_increasing(df,'i1') df = __filter_block_increasing(df,'j1') if I2[0]==I2[1]: df = __filter_block_increasing(df,'j2') df = __filter_block_increasing(df,'k2') elif J2[0]==J2[1]: df = __filter_block_increasing(df,'i2') df = __filter_block_increasing(df,'k2') elif K2[0]==K2[1]: df = __filter_block_increasing(df,'i2') df = __filter_block_increasing(df,'j2') # Do a final check after doing all these checks if len(df)>=4: # Greater than 4 because match can occur with simply 4 corners but the interior doesn't match. # Check for Split faces ## Block 1 main_face = create_face_from_diagonals(block1,imin=I1[0],imax=I1[1], jmin=J1[0],jmax=J1[1],kmin=K1[0],kmax=K1[1]) imin, jmin, kmin = df['i1'].min(), df['j1'].min(), df['k1'].min() imax, jmax, kmax = df['i1'].max(), df['j1'].max(), df['k1'].max() if int(imin==imax) + int(jmin==jmax) + int(kmin==kmax)==1: split_faces1 = split_face(main_face,block1,imin=imin,imax=imax,jmin=jmin,jmax=jmax,kmin=kmin,kmax=kmax) [s.set_block_index(face1.blockIndex) for s in split_faces1] [s.set_face_id( for s in split_faces1] ## Block 2 main_face = create_face_from_diagonals(block2,imin=I2[0],imax=I2[1], jmin=J2[0],jmax=J2[1],kmin=K2[0],kmax=K2[1]) imin, jmin, kmin = df['i2'].min(), df['j2'].min(), df['k2'].min() imax, jmax, kmax = df['i2'].max(), df['j2'].max(), df['k2'].max() if int(imin==imax) + int(jmin==jmax) + int(kmin==kmax)==1: split_faces2 = split_face(main_face,block2,imin=imin,imax=imax,jmin=jmin,jmax=jmax,kmin=kmin,kmax=kmax) [s.set_block_index(face2.blockIndex) for s in split_faces2] [s.set_face_id( for s in split_faces2] else: df = pd.DataFrame() # set df to empty dataframe return df, split_faces1, split_faces2
def __filter_block_increasing(df:pd.DataFrame,key1:str): """Filters dataframe results of get_face_intersection to make sure both key1 is increasing. When searching through a plot3D we check based on the planes e.g. const i, j, or k values will be removed if they are not Args: df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing matching points key1 (str): column that you want to be in increasing order Returns: pd.DataFrame: sorted dataframe """ ''' Sometimes there's a match on 2 edges and we do not want to keep that | face1 | face2 | face1 | Above shows face 2 touching face 1 at 2 edges. this is not a match. ''' if len(df)==0: return df key1_vals = list(df[key1].unique()) # get the unique values key1_vals.sort() key1_vals_to_use = list() if len(key1_vals)<=1: return pd.DataFrame() # Returning an empty dataframe. This solves the condition where you have edge matching for i in range(len(key1_vals)-1): if (key1_vals[i+1] - key1_vals[i])==1: # Remove key1_vals_to_use.append(key1_vals[i]) # Look backwards if (key1_vals[-1] - key1_vals[-2])==1: # Remove key1_vals_to_use.append(key1_vals[-1]) df = df[df[key1].isin(key1_vals_to_use)] return df def __check_edge(df:pd.DataFrame): """ Check if the results of get_face_intersection is an edge instead of a face. if it's an edge then both intersecting blocks are connected by an edge on both blocks Args: df (pd.DataFrame): dataframe containing columns i1, j1, k1, i2, j2, k2 Returns: boolean: True = It is an edge, False = not edge """ face1_diagonal = [(df['i1'].min(),df['j1'].min(),df['k1'].min()),(df['i1'].max(),df['j1'].max(),df['k1'].max()) ] face2_diagonal = [(df['i2'].min(),df['j2'].min(),df['k2'].min()), (df['i2'].max(),df['j2'].max(),df['k2'].max())] edge1 = face1_diagonal[0] edge2 = face1_diagonal[1] edge_matches = 0 for i in range(3): if edge1[i]==edge2[i]: edge_matches+=1 if edge_matches<2: return False else: return True
[docs] def combinations_of_nearest_blocks(blocks:List[Block],nearest_nblocks:int=4): """Returns the indices of the nearest 6 blocks based on their centroid Args: block (Block): block you are interested in blocks (List[Block]): list of all your blocks Returns: List[Tuple[int,int]]: combinations of nearest blocks """ # Pick a block get centroid of all outer faces centroids = np.array([(,, for b in blocks]) distance_matrix = np.zeros((centroids.shape[0],centroids.shape[0]))+10000 # Build a matrix for i in range(centroids.shape[0]): for j in range(centroids.shape[0]): if i!=j: dx = centroids[i,0]-centroids[j,0] dy = centroids[i,1]-centroids[j,1] dz = centroids[i,2]-centroids[j,2] distance_matrix[i,j] = np.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz) # Now that we have this matrix, we sort the distances by rows and pick the closest 8 blocks, can use 4 but 8 might be safer new_combos = list() for i in range(len(blocks)): # For block i indices = np.argsort(distance_matrix[i,:]) for j in indices[:nearest_nblocks]: if distance_matrix[i,j] < 10000: new_combos.append((i,j)) return new_combos
[docs] def connectivity_fast(blocks:List[Block]): """Reduces the size of the blocks by a factor of the minimum gcd. This speeds up finding the connectivity Args: blocks (List[Block]): Lists of blocks you want to find the connectivity for Returns: (List[Dict]): All matching faces formatted as a list of { 'block1': {'block_index', 'IMIN', 'JMIN','KMIN', 'IMAX','JMAX','KMAX'} } (List[Dict]): All exterior surfaces formatted as a list of { 'block_index', 'surfaces': [{'IMIN', 'JMIN','KMIN', 'IMAX','JMAX','KMAX', 'ID'}] } """ gcd_array = list() # Find the gcd of all the blocks for block_indx in range(len(blocks)): block = blocks[block_indx] gcd_array.append(math.gcd(block.IMAX-1, math.gcd(block.JMAX-1, block.KMAX-1))) gcd_to_use = min(gcd_array) # You need to use the minimum gcd otherwise 1 block may not exactly match the next block. They all have to be scaled the same way. print(f"gcd to use {gcd_to_use}") new_blocks = reduce_blocks(deepcopy(blocks),gcd_to_use) # Find Connectivity face_matches, outer_faces_formatted = connectivity(new_blocks) # scale it up for i in range(len(face_matches)): face_matches[i]['block1']['IMIN'] *= gcd_to_use face_matches[i]['block1']['JMIN'] *= gcd_to_use face_matches[i]['block1']['KMIN'] *= gcd_to_use face_matches[i]['block1']['IMAX'] *= gcd_to_use face_matches[i]['block1']['JMAX'] *= gcd_to_use face_matches[i]['block1']['KMAX'] *= gcd_to_use face_matches[i]['block2']['IMIN'] *= gcd_to_use face_matches[i]['block2']['JMIN'] *= gcd_to_use face_matches[i]['block2']['KMIN'] *= gcd_to_use face_matches[i]['block2']['IMAX'] *= gcd_to_use face_matches[i]['block2']['JMAX'] *= gcd_to_use face_matches[i]['block2']['KMAX'] *= gcd_to_use for j in range(len(outer_faces_formatted)): outer_faces_formatted[j]['IMIN'] *= gcd_to_use outer_faces_formatted[j]['JMIN'] *= gcd_to_use outer_faces_formatted[j]['KMIN'] *= gcd_to_use outer_faces_formatted[j]['IMAX'] *= gcd_to_use outer_faces_formatted[j]['JMAX'] *= gcd_to_use outer_faces_formatted[j]['KMAX'] *= gcd_to_use return face_matches, outer_faces_formatted
[docs] def connectivity(blocks:List[Block]): """Returns a dictionary outlining the connectivity of the blocks along with any exterior surfaces Args: blocks (List[Block]): List of all blocks in multi-block plot3d mesh Returns: (List[Dict]): All matching faces formatted as a list of { 'block1': {'block_index', 'IMIN', 'JMIN','KMIN', 'IMAX','JMAX','KMAX'} } (List[Dict]): All exterior surfaces formatted as a list of { 'block_index', 'surfaces': [{'IMIN', 'JMIN','KMIN', 'IMAX','JMAX','KMAX', 'ID'}] } """ outer_faces = list() face_matches = list() matches_to_remove = list() # df_matches, blocki_outerfaces, blockj_outerfaces = find_matching_blocks(blocks[4],blocks[7],1E-12) # This function finds partial matches between blocks temp = [get_outer_faces(b) for b in blocks] block_outer_faces = [t[0] for t in temp] combos = combinations_of_nearest_blocks(blocks,6) # Find the 6 nearest Blocks and search through all that. t = trange(len(combos)) for indx in t: # block i i,j = combos[indx] t.set_description(f"Checking connections block {i} with {j}") # Takes 2 blocks, gets the matching faces exterior faces of both blocks df_matches, blocki_outerfaces, blockj_outerfaces = find_matching_blocks(blocks[i],blocks[j],block_outer_faces[i],block_outer_faces[j]) # This function finds partial matches between blocks [o.set_block_index(i) for o in blocki_outerfaces] [o.set_block_index(j) for o in blockj_outerfaces] block_outer_faces[i] = blocki_outerfaces block_outer_faces[j] = blockj_outerfaces # Update connectivity for blocks with matching faces if (len(df_matches)>0): for df in df_matches: matches_to_remove.append(create_face_from_diagonals(block=blocks[i],imin=df['i1'].min(),jmin=df['j1'].min(),kmin=df['k1'].min(), imax=df['i1'].max(),jmax=df['j1'].max(),kmax=df['k1'].max())) matches_to_remove[-1].set_block_index(i) matches_to_remove.append(create_face_from_diagonals(block=blocks[j],imin=df['i2'].min(),jmin=df['j2'].min(),kmin=df['k2'].min(), imax=df['i2'].max(),jmax=df['j2'].max(),kmax=df['k2'].max())) matches_to_remove[-1].set_block_index(j) face1 = matches_to_remove[-2] face2 = matches_to_remove[-1] temp = face_matches_to_dict(face1,face2,blocks[i],blocks[j]) temp['match'] = df face_matches.append(temp) # Update Outer Faces [outer_faces.extend(o) for o in block_outer_faces] # all the outer faces outer_faces = list(set(outer_faces)) # Get most unique outer_faces = [o for o in outer_faces if o not in matches_to_remove] # Remove any outer faces that may have been found by mistake # Check I,J,K if J and K are the same with another outer face, select the face with shorter I outer_faces_to_remove = list() for i in range(len(blocks)): block_outerfaces = [o for o in outer_faces if o.BlockIndex == i] for o in block_outerfaces: IJK = np.array([o.IMIN,o.JMIN,o.KMIN,o.IMAX,o.JMAX,o.KMAX]) for o2 in block_outerfaces: IJK2 = np.array([o2.IMIN,o2.JMIN,o2.KMIN,o2.IMAX,o2.JMAX,o2.KMAX]) if sum((IJK-IJK2)==0) == 5: # [0,0,0,40,100,0] (outer) [0,0,0,56,100,0] (outer) -> remove the longer face if (o2.diagonal_length>o.diagonal_length): outer_faces_to_remove.append(o2) else: outer_faces_to_remove.append(o) outer_faces = [o for o in outer_faces if o not in outer_faces_to_remove] # Find self-matches: Do any faces of, for example, block1 match another face in block 1 for i in range(len(blocks)): _,self_matches = get_outer_faces(blocks[i]) for match in self_matches: # Append to face matches face_matches.append({'block1':{ 'block_index':i,'IMIN':match[0].I.min(),'JMIN':match[0].J.min(),'KMIN':match[0].K.min(), 'IMAX':match[0].I.max(),'JMAX':match[0].J.max(),'KMAX':match[0].K.max() }, 'block2':{ 'block_index':i,'IMIN':match[1].I.min(),'JMIN':match[1].J.min(),'KMIN':match[1].K.min(), 'IMAX':match[1].I.max(),'JMAX':match[1].J.max(),'KMAX':match[1].K.max() }, 'match':pd.DataFrame([{ 'block_index':i,'IMIN':match[0].I.min(),'JMIN':match[0].J.min(),'KMIN':match[0].K.min(), 'IMAX':match[0].I.max(),'JMAX':match[0].J.max(),'KMAX':match[0].K.max() },{ 'block_index':i,'IMIN':match[1].I.min(),'JMIN':match[1].J.min(),'KMIN':match[1].K.min(), 'IMAX':match[1].I.max(),'JMAX':match[1].J.max(),'KMAX':match[1].K.max() }]) }) # Update the outer faces outer_faces_formatted = list() # This will contain id = 1 for face in outer_faces: outer_faces_formatted.append({ 'IMIN':min(face.I), 'JMIN':min(face.J), 'KMIN':min(face.K), 'IMAX':max(face.I), 'JMAX':max(face.J), 'KMAX':max(face.K), 'id':id, 'block_index':face.BlockIndex }) id += 1 return face_matches, outer_faces_formatted
[docs] def face_matches_to_dict(face1:Face, face2:Face,block1:Block,block2:Block): """Makes sure the diagonal of face 1 match the diagonal of face 2 Args: face1 (Face): Face 1 with block index face2 (Face): Face 2 with block index block1 (Block): Block 1 block2 (Block): Block 2 Returns: (dict): dictionary describing the corner matches """ match = { 'block1':{ 'block_index':face1.BlockIndex, 'IMIN':-1,'JMIN':-1,'KMIN':-1, # Lower Corner 'IMAX':-1,'JMAX':-1,'KMAX':-1, # Upper Corner 'id' }, 'block2':{ 'block_index':face2.BlockIndex, 'IMIN':-1,'JMIN':-1,'KMIN':-1, # Lower Corner 'IMAX':-1,'JMAX':-1,'KMAX':-1, # Upper Corner 'id' } } I1 = [face1.IMIN,face1.IMAX] J1 = [face1.JMIN,face1.JMAX] K1 = [face1.KMIN,face1.KMAX] I2 = [face2.IMIN,face2.IMAX] J2 = [face2.JMIN,face2.JMAX] K2 = [face2.KMIN,face2.KMAX] # Search for corners x1_l = block1.X[I1[0],J1[0],K1[0]] # lower corner of block 1 y1_l = block1.Y[I1[0],J1[0],K1[0]] z1_l = block1.Z[I1[0],J1[0],K1[0]] # Matches which corner in block 2 search_results = list() for p in I2: for q in J2: for r in K2: x2 = block2.X[p,q,r] y2 = block2.Y[p,q,r] z2 = block2.Z[p,q,r] dx = x2-x1_l; dy = y2-y1_l; dz = z2 -z1_l search_results.append({'I':p,'J':q,'K':r,'d':math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz)}) df = pd.DataFrame(search_results) df = df.sort_values(by=['d']) match['block1']['IMIN'] = face1.IMIN match['block1']['JMIN'] = face1.JMIN match['block1']['KMIN'] = face1.KMIN match['block2']['IMIN'] = int(df.iloc[0]['I']) match['block2']['JMIN'] = int(df.iloc[0]['J']) match['block2']['KMIN'] = int(df.iloc[0]['K']) # Search for corners x1_u = block1.X[I1[1],J1[1],K1[1]] # lower corner of block 1 y1_u = block1.Y[I1[1],J1[1],K1[1]] z1_u = block1.Z[I1[1],J1[1],K1[1]] # Matches which corner in block 2 search_results = list() for p in I2: for q in J2: for r in K2: x2 = block2.X[p,q,r] y2 = block2.Y[p,q,r] z2 = block2.Z[p,q,r] dx = x2-x1_u; dy = y2-y1_u; dz = z2 -z1_u search_results.append({'I':p,'J':q,'K':r,'d':math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz)}) df = pd.DataFrame(search_results) df = df.sort_values(by=['d']) match['block1']['IMAX'] = face1.IMAX match['block1']['JMAX'] = face1.JMAX match['block1']['KMAX'] = face1.KMAX match['block2']['IMAX'] = int(df.iloc[0]['I']) match['block2']['JMAX'] = int(df.iloc[0]['J']) match['block2']['KMAX'] = int(df.iloc[0]['K']) return match