Source code for plot3d.blockfunctions

from copy import deepcopy
from itertools import combinations
import math
import numpy as np
from typing import Dict, List
from tqdm import trange
from .facefunctions import create_face_from_diagonals, get_outer_faces
from .block import Block
from .face import Face

[docs] def rotate_block(block,rotation_matrix:np.ndarray) -> Block: """Rotates a block by a rotation matrix Args: rotation_matrix (np.ndarray): 3x3 rotation matrix Returns: Block: returns a new rotated block """ X = block.X.copy() Y = block.Y.copy() Z = block.Z.copy() points = np.zeros(shape=(3,block.IMAX*block.JMAX*block.KMAX)) indx = 0 for i in range(block.IMAX): for j in range(block.JMAX): for k in range(block.KMAX): points[0,indx] = block.X[i,j,k] points[1,indx] = block.Y[i,j,k] points[2,indx] = block.Z[i,j,k] indx+=1 points_rotated = np.matmul(rotation_matrix,points) indx=0 for i in range(block.IMAX): for j in range(block.JMAX): for k in range(block.KMAX): X[i,j,k] = points_rotated[0,indx] Y[i,j,k] = points_rotated[1,indx] Z[i,j,k] = points_rotated[2,indx] indx+=1 return Block(X,Y,Z)
[docs] def reduce_blocks(blocks:List[Block],factor:int): """reduce the blocks by a factor of (factor) Args: blocks (List[Block]): list of blocks to reduce in size factor (int, optional): Number of indicies to skip . Defaults to 2. Returns: [type]: [description] """ for i in range(len(blocks)): blocks[i].X = blocks[i].X[::factor,::factor,::factor] blocks[i].Y = blocks[i].Y[::factor,::factor,::factor] blocks[i].Z = blocks[i].Z[::factor,::factor,::factor] blocks[i].IMAX,blocks[i].JMAX,blocks[i].KMAX = blocks[i].X.shape return blocks
[docs] def get_outer_bounds(blocks:List[Block]): """Get outer bounds for a set of blocks Args: blocks (List[Block]): Blocks defining your shape Returns: (Tuple) containing: **xbounds** (Tuple[float,float]): xmin,xmax **ybounds** (Tuple[float,float]): ymin,ymax **zbounds** (Tuple[float,float]): zmin,zmax """ xbounds = [blocks[0].X.min(),blocks[0].X.max()] ybounds = [blocks[0].Y.min(),blocks[0].Y.max()] zbounds = [blocks[0].Z.min(),blocks[0].Z.max()] for i in range(1,len(blocks)): xmin = blocks[i].X.min() xmax = blocks[i].X.max() ymin = blocks[i].Y.min() ymax = blocks[i].Y.max() zmin = blocks[i].Z.min() zmax = blocks[i].Z.max() if xmin<xbounds[0]: xbounds[0] = xmin elif xmax>xbounds[1]: xbounds[1] = xmax if ymin<ybounds[0]: ybounds[0] = ymin elif ymax>ybounds[1]: ybounds[1] = ymax if zmin<zbounds[0]: zbounds[0] = zmin elif zmax>zbounds[1]: zbounds[1] = zmax return tuple(xbounds),tuple(ybounds),tuple(zbounds)
[docs] def block_connection_matrix(blocks:List[Block],outer_faces:List[Dict[str,int]]=[],tol:float=1E-8): """Creates a matrix representing how block edges are connected to each other Args: blocks (List[Block]): List of blocks that describe the Plot3D mesh outer_faces (List[Dict[str,int]], optional): List of outer faces remaining from connectivity. Useful if you are interested in finding faces that are exterior to the block. Also useful if you combine outerfaces with match faces, this will help identify connections by looking at split faces. Defaults to []. tol (float, optional): Matching tolerance to look for when comparing face centroids. Returns: (Tuple): containing *connectivity* (np.ndarray): integer matrix defining how the blocks are connected to each other *connectivity_i* (np.ndarray): integer matrix defining connectivity of all blocks where IMAX=IMIN *connectivity_j* (np.ndarray): integer matrix defining connectivity of all blocks where JMAX=JMIN *connectivity_k* (np.ndarray): integer matrix defining connectivity of all blocks where KMAX=KMIN """ # Reduce the size of the blocks by the GCD gcd_array = list() for block_indx in range(len(blocks)): block = blocks[block_indx] gcd_array.append(math.gcd(block.IMAX-1, math.gcd(block.JMAX-1, block.KMAX-1))) gcd_to_use = min(gcd_array) # You need to use the minimum gcd otherwise 1 block may not exactly match the next block. They all have to be scaled the same way. blocks = reduce_blocks(deepcopy(blocks),gcd_to_use) # Face to List outer_faces_all = list() for o in outer_faces: face = create_face_from_diagonals(blocks[o['block_index']], int(o['IMIN']/gcd_to_use), int(o['JMIN']/gcd_to_use), int(o['KMIN']/gcd_to_use), int(o['IMAX']/gcd_to_use), int(o['JMAX']/gcd_to_use), int(o['KMAX']/gcd_to_use)) face.set_block_index(o['block_index']) if "id" in o: = o['id'] outer_faces_all.append(face) outer_faces = outer_faces_all n = len(blocks) connectivity = np.eye(n,dtype=np.int8) combos = list(combinations(range(n),2)) for indx in (pbar:=trange(len(combos))): i,j = combos[indx] pbar.set_description(f"Building block to block connectivity matrix: checking {i}") b1 = blocks[i] if len(outer_faces)==0: # Get the outerfaces to search b1_outer_faces,_ = get_outer_faces(b1) else: b1_outer_faces = [o for o in outer_faces if o.BlockIndex == i] if i != j and connectivity[i,j]!=-1: b2 = blocks[j] if len(outer_faces)==0: # Get the outerfaces to search b2_outer_faces,_ = get_outer_faces(b2) else: b2_outer_faces = [o for o in outer_faces if o.BlockIndex == j] # Check to see if any of the outer faces of the blocks match connection_found=False for f1 in b1_outer_faces: for f2 in b2_outer_faces: if (f1.is_connected(f2,tol)): # Check if face centroid is the same connectivity[i,j] = 1 # Default block to block connection matrix connectivity[j,i] = 1 connection_found=True # c = np.sum(connectivity[i,:]==1) # print(f"block {i} connections {c}") break if connection_found: break if not connection_found: connectivity[i,j] = -1 connectivity[j,i] = -1 return connectivity