>>> f = MtkFile('../Mtk_testdata/in/MISR_AM1_GRP_ELLIPSOID_GM_P037_O029058_AA_F03_0024.hdf').grid('BlueBand').field('Blue Radiance')
>>> f.data_type 'uint16'
>>> f.field_name 'Blue Radiance'
>>> f.fill_value 65515
region) |
>>> r = MtkRegion(37, 50, 55) >>> f.read(r) <MisrToolkit.MtkDataPlane object at 0x18a0400>
Additional dimensions can be determined using MtkGrid field_dims method or by referencing MISR Data Product Specification (DPS) Document. The actually definition of the indices are not described in the MISR product files and thus not described by the MISR Toolkit. These will have to be looked up in the MISR DPS. All indices are 0-based.
start_block, end_block) |
This function is provided as an alternative to reading blocks one at a time using a MtkRegion.
>>> f.read(50, 55) array([[[65515, 65515, 65515, ..., 65515, 65515, 65515], [65515, 65515, 65515, ..., 65515, 65515, 65515], [65515, 65515, 65515, ..., 65515, 65515, 65515], ..., [65515, 65515, 65515, ..., 65515, 65515, 65515], [65515, 65515, 65515, ..., 65515, 65515, 65515], [65515, 65515, 65515, ..., 65515, 65515, 65515]]], dtype=uint16)