4.1 CoordQuery

bls_to_latlon( path, resolution_meters, block, line, sample)
Convert from Block, Line, Sample, to Latitude and Longitude in Decimal Degrees.

>>> bls_to_latlon(189, 275, 47, 12.5, 50.5)
(55.161373, 16.435317)

bls_to_somxy( path, resolution_meters, block, line, sample)
Convert from Block, Line, Sample, to SOM Coordinates.

>>> bls_to_somxy(230, 1100, 69, 100.2, 89.9)
(17145919.996, 222089.993)

latlon_to_bls( path, resolution_meters, lat, lon)
Convert decimal degrees latitude and longitude to block, line, sample.

>>> latlon_to_bls(160, 1100, 57.1, 65.7)
(45, 19.5214, 207.8861)

latlon_to_somxy( path, lat, lon)
Convert decimal degrees latitude and longitude to SOM X, SOM Y.

>>> latlon_to_somxy(160, 57.1, 65.7)
(13677973.731, 686274.716)

path_block_range_to_block_corners( path, start_block, end_block)
Compute block corner coordinates in decimal degrees of latitude and longitude for a given path and block range.

>>> path_block_range_to_block_corners(37, 50, 53)
<MisrToolkit.MtkBlockCorners object at 0x189f800>

path_to_projparam( path, resolution)
Get projection parameters.

>>> path_to_projparam(160, 275)
<MisrToolkit.MtkProjParam object at 0x1897a00>

somxy_to_bls( path, resolution_meters, somx, somy)
Convert SOM X, SOM Y to block, line, sample.

>>> somxy_to_bls(230, 1100, 17145920.0, 222090.0)
(69, 100.2, 89.899)

somxy_to_latlon( path, somx, somy)
Convert SOM X, SOM Y to decimal degrees latitude and longitude.

>>> somxy_to_latlon(230, 17145920.0, 222090.0)
(26.7376, -54.1496)