MISR Toolkit Command Line Utilities Summary Table




MISR Toolkit Version 1.5.0


Usage: MtkDateTimeToJulian <Date and Time>

Date and Time in ISO 8601 format.

Example: MtkDateTimeToJulian 2002-05-02T02:00:00Z


Usage: MtkJulianToDateTime <Julian Date>

Julian Date >= 1721119.5

Example: MtkJulianToDateTime 2453728.27313


Usage: bin/MtkBlsToLatLon <--help> | <--path=path> <--res=resolution>


Where: --path=path is the path number

--res=resolution is the resolution in meters

--bls=block,line,sample is block, line, and sample

--help is this info

Example: MtkBlsToLatLon --path=1 --res=1100 --bls=22,101,22


Usage: bin/MtkLatLonToBls <--help> | <--path=path> <--res=resolution>

[<--dd=lat_dd,lon_dd> | <--rad=lat_r,lon_r> | <--dms=lat_dms,lon_dms>]

Where: --path=path is the path number

--res=resolution is the resolution in meters

--dd=lat_dd,lon_dd is lat,lon in decimal degrees

--rad=lat_r,lon_r is lat,lon in radians

--dms=lat_dms,lon_dms is lat,lon in packed degrees, minutes and seconds

--help is this info

Example: MtkLatLonToBls --path=1 --res=1100 --dd=82.740690,-3.310459

MtkLatLonToBls --path=1 --res=1100 --rad=1.444098,-0.057778

MtkLatLonToBls --path=1 --res=1100 --dms=82044026.490000,-3018037.650000


Usage: bin/MtkBlsToSomXY <--help> | <--path=path> <--res=resolution>


Where: --path=path is the path number

--res=resolution is the resolution in meters

--bls=block,line,sample is block, line, and sample

--help is this info

Example: MtkBlsToSomXY --path=1 --res=1100 --bls=22,101,22


Usage: bin/MtkSomXYToBls <--help> | <--path=path> <--res=resolution>


Where: --path=path is the path number

--res=resolution is the resolution in meters

--somxy=som_x,som_y is SomX and SomY

--help is this info

Example: MtkSomXYToBls --path=1 --res=1100 --somxy=10529200.016621,622600.018066


Usage: bin/MtkLatLonToSomXY <--help> | <--path=path>

[<--dd=lat_dd,lon_dd> | <--rad=lat_r,lon_r> | <--dms=lat_dms,lon_dms>]

Where: --path=path is the path number

--dd=lat_dd,lon_dd is lat,lon in decimal degrees

--rad=lat_r,lon_r is lat,lon in radians

--dms=lat_dms,lon_dms is lat,lon in packed degrees, minutes and seconds

--help is this info

Example: MtkLatLonToSomXY --path=1 --dd=82.740690,-3.310459

MtkLatLonToSomXY --path=1 --rad=1.444098,-0.057778

MtkLatLonToSomXY --path=1 --dms=82044026.490000,-3018037.650000


Usage: ./MtkSomXYToLatLon <--help> | <--path=path> <--somxy=som_x,som_y> [--rad | --dms]

Where: --path=path is the path number

--somxy=som_x,som_y is SomX and SomY

--rad display output in radians

--dms display output in degrees minutes seconds

--help is this info

Example: MtkSomXYToLatLon --path=1 --somxy=10529200.016621,622600.018066

MtkSomXYToLatLon --path=1 --somxy=10529200.016621,622600.018066 --rad

MtkSomXYToLatLon --path=1 --somxy=10529200.016621,622600.018066 --dms


Usage: ./MtkCreateLatLon <--help> |

--path=<path_number> --res=<resolution> |

[--setregion-path-blockrange=<path,start_blk,end_blk> |

--setregion-ulclrc=<ulclat,ulclon,lrclat,lrclon> |

--setregion-latlon-extent=<lat,lon,latext,lonext,extent_units> ]

--binfilename=<Lat/Lon Binary Output File>

Where: --setregion-path-blockrange=path,start_blk,end_blk is path, start block, end block.

--setregion-ulclrc=ulclat,ulclon,lrclat,lrclon is Upper Left Corner Lat, Lon and Lower Right Corner Lat and Lon.

--setregion-latlon-extents=lat,lon,latext,lonext,extent_units is Lat, Lon in degrees and Extent in specified units.

--binfilename=file is the output file.

Note: The parameter extent_units is a case insensitive string that can be set to one of the following values:

1) degrees, deg, dd for degrees;

2) meters, m for meters;

3) kilometers, km for kilometers; and

4) 275m, 275 meters, 1.1km, 1.1 kilometers for pixels of a specified resolution per pixel.

Example 1: MtkCreateLatLon --path=37 --res=1100 --setregion-path-blockrange=37,45,50 --binfilename=out.bin

Example 2: MtkCreateLatLon --path=37 --res=1100 --setregion-latlon-extent=38,-111,3000,300,km --binfilename=out.bin

Example 3: MtkCreateLatLon --path=37 --res=1100 --setregion-latlon-extent=38,-111,2000,300,1100m --binfilename=out.bin

Example 4: MtkCreateLatLon --path=37 --res=1100 --setregion-ulclrc=51.5,-112,24,-109 --binfilename=out.bin


Usage: ./MtkPixelTime <--help> |

--hdffilename=<L1B2 Product File>


Where: --hdffilename=file is a MISR L1B2 Product File.

--somxy=som_x,som_y is SomX and SomY.

Example: MtkPixelTime --hdffilename=../Mtk_testdata/in/MISR_AM1_GRP_ELLIPSOID_GM_P037_O029058_AA_F03_0024.hdf --somxy=10529200.016621,622600.018066


Usage: ./MtkDdToDegMinSec <Decimal Degrees>

Example: MtkDdToDegMinSec 130.08284167


Usage: MtkDegMinSecToDd <--help> | <--deg=degrees> <--min=minutes>


Where: --deg=degrees is the number of degrees

--min=minutes is the number of minutes

--sec=seconds is the number of seconds

--help is this info

Example: MtkDegMinSecToDd --deg=130 --min=4 --sec=58.23


Usage: MtkDdToDms <Decimal Degrees>

Example: MtkDdToDms 130.08284167


Usage: MtkDmsToDd <--help> | <--dms=packed dms>

Where: --dms=packed dms is packed degrees minutes seconds

--help is this info

Example: MtkDmsToDd --dms=130004058.23


Usage: MtkDmsToDegMinSec <--help> | <--dms=packed dms>

Where: --dms=packed dms is packed degrees minutes seconds

--help is this info

Example: MtkDmsToDegMinSec --dms=130004058.23


Usage: MtkDegMinSecToDms <--help> | <--deg=degrees> <--min=minutes>


Where: --deg=degrees is the number of degrees

--min=minutes is the number of minutes

--sec=seconds is the number of seconds

--help is this info

Example: MtkDegMinSecToDms --deg=130 --min=4 --sec=58.23


Usage: MtkRadToDd <--help> | <--rad=radians>

Where: --rad=radians is the number of radians

--help is this info

Example: MtkRadToDd --rad=2.270373886


Usage: MtkDdToRad <Decimal Degrees>

Example: MtkDdToRad 130.08284167


Usage: MtkRadToDegMinSec <--help> | <--rad=radians>

Where: --rad=radians is the number of radians

--help is this info

Example: MtkRadToDegMinSec --rad=2.270373886


Usage: MtkDegMinSecToRad <--help> | <--deg=degrees> <--min=minutes>


Where: --deg=degrees is the number of degrees

--min=minutes is the number of minutes

--sec=seconds is the number of seconds

--help is this info

Example: MtkDegMinSecToRad --deg=130 --min=4 --sec=58.23


Usage: MtkRadToDms <--help> | <--rad=radians>

Where: --rad=radians is the number of radians

--help is this info

Example: MtkRadToDms --rad=2.270373886


Usage: MtkDmsToRad <--help> | <--dms=packed dms>

Where: --dms=packed dms is packed degrees minutes seconds

--help is this info

Example: MtkDmsToRad --dms=130004058.23


Usage: MtkPathToProjParam <path> <resolution meters>


Usage: MtkLatLonToPathList <--help> | <--dd=lat_dd,lon_dd> |

<--rad=lat_r,lon_r> | <--dms=lat_dms,lon_dms>

Where: --dd=lat_dd,lon_dd is lat,lon in decimal degrees

--rad=lat_r,lon_r is lat,lon in radians

--dms=lat_dms,lon_dms is lat,lon in packed degrees, minutes and seconds

--help is this info

Example: MtkLatLonToPathList --dd=-75.345,169.89

MtkLatLonToPathList --rad=-1.315,2.965

MtkLatLonToPathList --dms=-75020042.000,169053024.000


Usage: MtkRegionToPathList <--help> |

[--setregion-path-blockrange=<path,start_blk,end_blk> |

--setregion-ulclrc=<ulclat,ulclon,lrclat,lrclon> |

--setregion-latlon-extent=<lat,lon,latext,lonext,extent_units> ]

Where: --setregion-path-blockrange=path,start_blk,end_blk is path, start block, end block.

--setregion-ulclrc=ulclat,ulclon,lrclat,lrclon is Upper Left Corner Lat, Lon and Lower Right Corner Lat and Lon.

--setregion-latlon-extents=lat,lon,latext,lonext,extent_units is Lat, Lon in degrees and Extent in specified units.

Note: The parameter extent_units is a case insensitive string that can be set to one of the following values:

1) degrees, deg, dd for degrees;

2) meters, m for meters;

3) kilometers, km for kilometers; and

4) 275m, 275 meters, 1.1km, 1.1 kilometers for pixels of a specified resolution per pixel.

Example 1: MtkRegionToPathList --setregion-path-blockrange=37,45,75

Example 2: MtkRegionToPathList --setregion-latlon-extent=38,-111,3000,300,km

Example 3: MtkRegionToPathList --setregion-latlon-extent=38,-111,2000,300,1100m

Example 4: MtkRegionToPathList --setregion-ulclrc=51.5,-112,24,-109


Usage: MtkOrbitToPath <orbit>

Orbit >= 1000

Example: MtkOrbitToPath 12115


Usage: MtkPathBlockRangeToBlockCorners <--help> |

--path=<Path Number>

--startblock=<Start Block>

--endblock=<End Block>

Where: --path=path_num is the path number.

--startblock=start_block is starting block.

--endblock=end_block is ending block.

Example 1: MtkPathBlockRangeToBlockCorners --path=37 --startblock=35 --endblock=40


Usage: MtkRegionPathToBlockRange <--help> |

[--setregion-path-blockrange=<path,start_blk,end_blk> |

--setregion-ulclrc=<ulclat,ulclon,lrclat,lrclon> |

--setregion-latlon-extent=<lat,lon,latext,lonext,extent_units> ]

--path=<Path> ]

Where: --setregion-path-blockrange=path,start_blk,end_blk is path, start block, end block.

--setregion-ulclrc=ulclat,ulclon,lrclat,lrclon is Upper Left Corner Lat, Lon and Lower Right Corner Lat and Lon.

--setregion-latlon-extents=lat,lon,latext,lonext,extent_units is Lat, Lon in degrees and Extent in specified units.

Note: The parameter extent_units is a case insensitive string that can be set to one of the following values:

1) degrees, deg, dd for degrees;

2) meters, m for meters;

3) kilometers, km for kilometers; and

4) 275m, 275 meters, 1.1km, 1.1 kilometers for pixels of a specified resolution per pixel.

Example 1: MtkRegionPathToBlockRange --path=37 --setregion-path-blockrange=37,45,75

Example 2: MtkRegionPathToBlockRange --path=37 --setregion-latlon-extent=38,-111,3000,300,km

Example 3: MtkRegionPathToBlockRange --path=37 --setregion-latlon-extent=38,-111,2000,300,1100m

Example 4: MtkRegionPathToBlockRange --path=37 --setregion-ulclrc=51.5,-112,24,-109


Usage: MtkPathTimeRangeToOrbitList <--help> | <--path=path> <--start=YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ> <--end=YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ>

Where: --path=path is the path number



--help is this info

Example: MtkPathTimeRangeToOrbitList --path=78 --start=2002-02-02T02:00:00Z --end=2002-05-02T02:00:00Z


Usage: MtkTimeRangeToOrbitList <--help> | <--start=YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ> <--end=YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ>

Where: --start=YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ


--help is this info

Example: MtkTimeRangeToOrbitList --start=2002-02-02T02:00:00Z --end=2002-05-02T05:00:00Z


Usage: MtkTimeToOrbitPath <time>

Where: <time>=YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ

Time must be on or after 2000-03-03 00:00:00 UTC

Example: MtkTimeToOrbitPath 2002-02-02T02:00:00Z


Usage: MtkOrbitToTimeRange <Orbit Number>

Orbit Number >= 1000

Example: MtkOrbitToTimeRange 24372


Usage: MtkFileToPath <MISR Product File>


Usage: MtkFileToOrbit <MISR Product File>


Usage: MtkFileToBlockRange <MISR Product File>


Usage: ./MtkFileGridToResolution <MISR Product File> <Grid Name>


Usage: MtkFileToGridList <MISR Product File>


Usage: MtkFileGridToFieldList <MISR Product File> <Grid Name>


Usage: MtkFileGridToNativeFieldList <MISR Product File> <Grid Name>


Usage: MtkFileGridFieldToDimList <MISR Product File> <Grid Name> <Field Name>


Usage: MtkFileVersion <MISR Product File>


Usage: MtkFileLGID <MISR Product File>


Usage: MtkFileAttrList <MISR Product File>


Usage: MtkFileAttrGet <MISR Product File> <Attribute Name>


Usage: MtkGridAttrList <MISR Product File> <Grid Name>


Usage: MtkGridAttrGet <MISR Product File> <Grid Name> <Attribute Name>


Usage: MtkFieldAttrList <MISR Product File> <SDS Field Name>


Usage: MtkFieldAttrGet <MISR Product File> <SDS Field Name> <Attribute Name>


Usage: MtkFileCoreMetaDataQuery <MISR Product File>


Usage: MtkFileCoreMetaDataGet <MISR Product File> <Parameter Name>


Usage: MtkMakeFilename <--help> | <--dir=directory> <--prod=product>

[ <--cam=camera> ] <--path=path> <--orbit=orbit> <--ver=version>

Where: --dir=directory is base directory to append to file name.

--prod=product is the product to search for.

--cam=camera is the camera.

--path=path is the path number.

--orbit=orbit is the orbit number.

--ver=version is the version number.

--help is this info

Example: MtkMakeFilename --dir=data --prod=GRP_TERRAIN_GM --cam=DA

--path=123 --orbit=12345 --ver=F03_0024

MtkMakeFilename --dir=data --prod=TC_ALBEDO --path=012

--orbit=12345 --ver=F04_0007


Usage: MtkFindFileList <--help> | <--dir=directory> <--prod=product>

[ <--cam=camera> ] <--path=path> <--orbit=orbit> <--ver=version>

Where: --dir=directory is top level directory to search.

--prod=product is the product to search for.

--cam=camera is the camera.

--path=path is the path number.

--orbit=orbit is the orbit number.

--ver=version is the version number.

Note: All of the above options support regular expressions.

--help is this info

Example: MtkFindFileList --dir=. --prod="GRP.*" --cam=DA --path=".*"

--orbit=".*" --ver=F03_0024

MtkFindFileList --dir=. --prod="TC.*" --path=037 --orbit=".*"



Usage: bin/MtkReadData <--help> |

[--entire-file |

--setregion-path-blockrange=<path,start_blk,end_blk> |

--setregion-ulclrc=<ulclat,ulclon,lrclat,lrclon> |

--setregion-latlon-extent=<lat,lon,latext,lonext,extent_units> ]

--hdffilename=<Input File>

--gridname=<Grid Name>

--fieldname=<Field Name>

--binfilename=<Binary Output File>

Where: --entire-file queries the hdffile for path and block range.

--setregion-path-blockrange=path,start_blk,end_blk is path, start block, end block.

--setregion-ulclrc=ulclat,ulclon,lrclat,lrclon is Upper Left Corner Lat, Lon and Lower Right Corner Lat and Lon.

--setregion-latlon-extents=lat,lon,latext,lonext,extent_units is Lat, Lon in degrees and Extent in specified units.

--hdffilename=file is a MISR Product File.

--gridname=grid_name is the name of the grid.

--fieldname=field_name is the name of the field.

--binfilename=file is the output file.

Note: The parameter extent_units is a case insensitive string that can be set to one of the following values:

1) degrees, deg, dd for degrees;

2) meters, m for meters;

3) kilometers, km for kilometers; and

4) 275m, 275 meters, 1.1km, 1.1 kilometers for pixels of a specified resolution per pixel.

Example 1: MtkReadData --setregion-path-blockrange=37,45,75 --hdffilename=../Mtk_testdata/in/MISR_AM1_GRP_ELLIPSOID_GM_P037_O029058_AA_F03_0024.hdf --gridname=BlueBand --fieldname="Blue Radiance/RDQI" --binfilename=out.bin

Example 2: MtkReadData --setregion-latlon-extent=38,-111,3000,300,km --hdffilename=../Mtk_testdata/in/MISR_AM1_GRP_ELLIPSOID_GM_P037_O029058_AA_F03_0024.hdf --gridname=BlueBand --fieldname="Blue Radiance/RDQI" --binfilename=out.bin

Example 3: MtkReadData --setregion-latlon-extent=38,-111,2000,300,1100m --hdffilename=../Mtk_testdata/in/MISR_AM1_GRP_ELLIPSOID_GM_P037_O029058_AA_F03_0024.hdf --gridname=BlueBand --fieldname="Blue Radiance/RDQI" --binfilename=out.bin

Example 4: MtkReadData --setregion-ulclrc=51.5,-112,24,-109 --hdffilename=../Mtk_testdata/in/MISR_AM1_GRP_ELLIPSOID_GM_P037_O029058_AA_F03_0024.hdf --gridname=BlueBand --fieldname="Blue Radiance/RDQI" --binfilename=out.bin

Example 5: MtkReadData --entire-file --hdffilename=../Mtk_testdata/in/MISR_AM1_GRP_ELLIPSOID_GM_P037_O029058_AA_F03_0024.hdf --gridname=BlueBand --fieldname="Blue Radiance/RDQI" --binfilename=out.bin


Usage: MtkReadBlockRange <--help> |

[--entire-file |

--hdffilename=<Input File>

--gridname=<Grid Name>

--fieldname=<Field Name>

--startblock=<Start Block>

--endblock=<End Block>

--binfilename=<Binary Output File>

Where: --entire-file queries the hdffile for the block range.

--hdffilename=file is a MISR Product File.

--gridname=grid_name is the name of the grid.

--fieldname=field_name is the name of the field.

--startblock=start_block is starting block.

--endblock=end_block is ending block.

--binfilename=file is the output file.

Example 1: MtkReadBlockRange --hdffilename=../Mtk_testdata/in/MISR_AM1_GRP_ELLIPSOID_GM_P037_O029058_AA_F03_0024.hdf --gridname=BlueBand --fieldname="Blue Radiance/RDQI" --startblock=35 --endblock=40 --binfilename=out.bin

Example 2: MtkReadBlockRange --entire-file --hdffilename=../Mtk_testdata/in/MISR_AM1_GRP_ELLIPSOID_GM_P037_O029058_AA_F03_0024.hdf --gridname=BlueBand --fieldname="Blue Radiance/RDQI" --binfilename=out.bin


Usage: ./MtkMisrToEnvi <--help> |

[--entire-file |

--setregion-path-blockrange=<path,start_blk,end_blk> |

--setregion-ulclrc=<ulclat,ulclon,lrclat,lrclon> |

--setregion-latlon-extent=<lat,lon,latext,lonext,extent_units> ]

--hdffilename=<Input File>

--gridname=<Grid Name>

--fieldname=<Field Name>

--envifilename=<Envi Output File>

Where: --entire-file queries the hdffile for path and block range.

--setregion-path-blockrange=path,start_blk,end_blk is path, start block, end block.

--setregion-ulclrc=ulclat,ulclon,lrclat,lrclon is Upper Left Corner Lat, Lon and Lower Right Corner Lat and Lon.

--setregion-latlon-extents=lat,lon,latext,lonext,extent_units is Lat, Lon in degrees and Extent in specified units.

--hdffilename=file is a MISR Product File.

--gridname=grid_name is the name of the grid.

--fieldname=field_name is the name of the field.

--envifilename=file is the output envi file.

Note: The parameter extent_units is a case insensitive string that can be set to one of the following values:

1) degrees, deg, dd for degrees;

2) meters, m for meters;

3) kilometers, km for kilometers; and

4) 275m, 275 meters, 1.1km, 1.1 kilometers for pixels of a specified resolution per pixel.

Example 1: MtkMisrToEnvi --setregion-path-blockrange=37,45,75 --hdffilename=../Mtk_testdata/in/MISR_AM1_GRP_ELLIPSOID_GM_P037_O029058_AA_F03_0024.hdf --gridname=BlueBand --fieldname="Blue Radiance/RDQI" --envifilename=out

Example 2: MtkMisrToEnvi --setregion-latlon-extent=38,-111,3000,300,km --hdffilename=../Mtk_testdata/in/MISR_AM1_GRP_ELLIPSOID_GM_P037_O029058_AA_F03_0024.hdf --gridname=BlueBand --fieldname="Blue Radiance/RDQI" --envifilename=out

Example 3: MtkMisrToEnvi --setregion-latlon-extent=38,-111,2000,300,1100m --hdffilename=../Mtk_testdata/in/MISR_AM1_GRP_ELLIPSOID_GM_P037_O029058_AA_F03_0024.hdf --gridname=BlueBand --fieldname="Blue Radiance/RDQI" --envifilename=out

Example 4: MtkMisrToEnvi --setregion-ulclrc=51.5,-112,24,-109 --hdffilename=../Mtk_testdata/in/MISR_AM1_GRP_ELLIPSOID_GM_P037_O029058_AA_F03_0024.hdf --gridname=BlueBand --fieldname="Blue Radiance/RDQI" --envifilename=out

Example 5: MtkMisrToEnvi --entire-file --hdffilename=../Mtk_testdata/in/MISR_AM1_GRP_ELLIPSOID_GM_P037_O029058_AA_F03_0024.hdf --gridname=BlueBand --fieldname="Blue Radiance/RDQI" --envifilename=out


Usage: bin/MtkFileType <--help> |

--hdffilename=<Input File>

Where: --hdffilename=file is a MISR Product File.

Example: MtkFileType --hdffilename=../Mtk_testdata/in/MISR_AM1_GRP_ELLIPSOID_GM_P037_O029058_AA_F03_0024.hdf


Usage: bin/MtkFillValueGet <--help> |

--hdffilename=<Input File>

--gridname=<Grid Name> --fieldname=<Field Name>

Where: --hdffilename=file is a MISR Product File.

--gridname=grid_name is the name of the grid.

--fieldname=field_name is the name of the field.

Example: MtkFillValueGet --hdffilename=../Mtk_testdata/in/MISR_AM1_GRP_ELLIPSOID_GM_P037_O029058_AA_F03_0024.hdf --gridname=BlueBand --fieldname="Blue Radiance/RDQI"